weekend workshop:
Treating the Pregnant Patient
Date: 14th/15th June 2025
Venue: London School of Osteopathy, 12 Grange Road, London SE1 3BE, UK
Times: 10.00-17.00 Saturday & Sunday
Cost: £300.00
Lecturer: Miranda Clayton Registered Osteopath
Pregnancy can be a highly challenging time for the musculo-skeletal system, as body shape & weight alter dramatically over a relatively short timeframe. Discomforts during pregnancy range from minor aches and pains, through to the frankly disabling pain of severe SPD. Manual treatment may offer a much improved overall pregnancy experience, and allow a woman to go into labour, and motherhood, in an energised & healthy physical state.
In this highly practical workshop, Day 1 focuses on the sacro-iliac joint, pubis, coccyx, pelvis and low back. In Day 2 we consider the rest of the body in particular the ribs & thorax, abdominal wall & uterine ligaments, abdominal organs, and peripheral areas. We include some exercises, taping and general management for the pregnant patient.
All our courses come with full notes and visuals. We cover a range of techniques, both direct and indirect, to cater to a variety of practitioners.
This workshop is suitable for Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Cranio-sacral therapists, Physiotherapists and all qualified practitioners who take a hands-on approach during pregnancy.
Treating the Pregnant Patient £300 |
BOOKING 14th/15th June 2025 |
Please note that this course does not include internal or advanced visceral techniques
- Introduction to the changing postures of pregnancy
Assessment and standing/seated techniques for the pelvis - Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction – anatomy, differential diagnosis, examination, practical technique session – direct & indirect approaches
- Coccydynia during pregnancy – anatomy, differential diagnosis, examination, practical technique session – direct & indirect approaches
- Taping support for the abdomen/pelvis
- Pelvic Girdle Pain – anatomy, differential diagnosis, assessment, practical techniques session – direct & indirect approaches
- Exercises & postural advice for the pregnant patient
- Postural changes through the upper body and abdomen during pregnancy
Assessing & treating fascial stresses & strains through thorax & abdomen - The abdomen in pregnancy & common pregnancy related abdominal pathologies
Techniques for the anterior and posterior abdominal walls - Thorax & ribs – respiratory changes in pregnancy and common causes of breathlessness. Assessment and treatment of ribs, diaphragm, clavi-pectoral fascias & sternal/pericardial ligaments. Treatment for the thoraco-lumbar junction.
- Taping support for peripheral areas
- The uterine ligaments in pregnancy – assessing & treating the Round Ligament & Uterosacral Ligaments
- An IVM approach to pregnancy with a global treatment routine
A 13 hour CPD certificate will be available at the end of the weekend.
This is a Postgraduate Level workshop. To get the most out of this course you should:
- Be able to undertake an obstetric health history and physical examination.
- Understand your legal obligations when treating pregnant patients, including cautions & contra-indications to manual treatment.
- Understand the need for medical referrals where indicated.
- Be clear that you are working within the guidelines of your particular professional or registering organisation
Check with us if you are unsure if this course is suitable for you mumandbabyCPD@gmail.com
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